Bristle collection and processing-Part I

There is a wide array of brushes available in the market with bristles made from various materials. However, natural pig bristle is often considered the finest.
Wondering how these bristles are collected and processed? This article will enlighten you on the methods of bristle collection.
Bristle Collection Methods
1. Comb Mane Method:
Spring and autumn are the shedding seasons for pigs. A metal comb can be used to scrape off the pig's entire body every three days during these seasons.
2. Mane Pulling Method:
This method is typically executed in the summer when the bristles are molting. To start, feed the pigs with distiller's grains around five minutes before plucking. This helps open the pig's pores.
Gently tug the bristles to check if they easily come off. If they do, it indicates the right time to pull the bristles.
Using a fine wooden comb, comb the pig's mane from back to front. The gathered bristles can be organized and stored in paper bags.
A pig weighing around 100kg can yield 1-2kg of bristles. This method does not affect the pig's growth and may even stimulate their appetite and fat growth.
3. Sub-slaughtering Method:
The value of the bristles varies with color. Black bristles are the most valuable, followed by white and then gray bristles.
Therefore, when slaughtering pigs, it's best to start with black pigs, then white, and finally gray pigs.
Take care when slaughtering gray pigs to separate the black and white bristles as much as possible.
Stay tuned for more on how these collected bristles are processed into the fine bristles used in high-quality brushes.
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